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Tee Times 4 Turf Recap

MTF | Published on 5/24/2024


We extend our sincere gratitude to all golf courses who participated in the 12th edition of TT4Turf. There were 192 items available for bid and 394 registered bidders, resulting in a total of 1,886 bids placed. Total gross income exceeded $51,000 and set a new record for the auction since its conception.

Golf courses that generously donated rounds for this year's edition are listed for your review and the MTF greatly appreciates their participation. TT4Turf has become one of the MTF's most viable and effective fundraising endeavor each year and it cannot be done without the support of the golf industry in Michigan. Funding research is the Mission Statement of the MTF and the MSU Turf Team is equally thankful for those who participated.

An example some of the research conducted by the MSU Turf Team was recently recognized by the MSU Office of Research and Innovation and is provided in the link below. Dr. Thom Nikolai and Graduate Student Mike Rabe are currently researching turf studies on a Capillary Hydroponic System they had constructed at the Hancock Turfgrass Research Facility. The article provided by MSU is a notable achievement and has drawn a great deal of interest in the golf industry. Dr. Nikolai and Mr. Rabe thank all of you for your support...and congratulations to them for their recognition!

Registration for next year's event begins immediately with the goal of registering as many golf courses as possible this summer and providing more items for auction next spring. All courses are welcome to register, and we encourage all our contacts to take a moment use the link provided to register for 2025. If your club has not participated previously, we welcome your support to the MSU Turf Program!

Thank you to all supporters!

MTF TT4Turf Committee

Scott Rettmann & Eric Davey

2025 Early Registration Form

Participating Courses in 2024


(616) 834-0450