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2024 Heritage Scholarship Winners

Published on 2/29/2024

"I would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone at MiGCSA who made this scholarship possible! I'm honored to be a recipient of this scholarship, as it will help fund my tuition at the University of Michigan in my final year. I am planning to graduate in May of 2025 with degrees in biochemistry and environmental science, and eventually hope to attend graduate school to further my studies in climate change and its impacts on the environment and human health. This scholarship provides an important stepping stone to help me reach these academic goals. I am incredibly grateful!"

Hailey Kempf

"Being selected as a recipient of the Heritage Scholarship is a true honor that I do not take lightly. This scholarship will provide immediate relief as I continue to navigate the remainder of my senior year and move forward to post-graduate life. Thank you to those on the scholarship committee and MiGSCA as a whole!"

David Pulaski

"I am so grateful to have received this award! Being able to attend college is so important to me, and this scholarship money will help me to continue doing so as I head into my senior year at U of M this fall. I would not be able to afford college if it weren’t for my maintenance job at a course in Northern Michigan that I’ve had for the past four years, nor without this generous scholarship from the very people who make golf courses run! It means so much to me that my hard work both in and outside of school has been recognized by so many accomplished individuals, and I cannot wait to keep going to school for English so that I can keep pursuing the path of becoming an editor, while continuing to be part of the golf course industry in the summer. Being true to myself and my faith has gotten me to where I am today, and I am so thankful that the MiGCSA committee sees that. Thank you, MiGCSA!"

Ellie Ettawageshik

"I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone involved in making the MiGCSA Heritage Scholarship possible. I am currently a senior at Trine University, pursuing a degree in elementary education and Montessori education. Next academic year, I am looking forward to interning at a Montessori school in Indiana and completing my undergraduate studies at Trine. I am very grateful for the support of this scholarship and looking forward to what the future holds!"

Emily Jotzat

I am writing to express my gratitude for selecting me as a recipient of the Heritage Scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic school year. Receiving this scholarship is not only an immense honor but also a financial relief for me and my family. Your generous support means more to me than words can express. With this scholarship, you have lightened my financial burden, allowing me to focus more on my studies, extracurricular activities, and personal growth. I assure you that I will make the most of this opportunity and use it to its fullest potential. I am determined to excel academically, contribute meaningfully to my campus community, and ultimately, pay forward the support I have received by helping others achieve their goals.

Once again, thank you for your generosity and belief in my potential. Your investment in my future will not be taken for granted, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity you have provided me.

Reece Matthews

I am sincerely honored to have been selected as the recipient for the MiGCSA Heritage Scholarship. I am nearing the end in completing my undergraduate degree as a Junior in Health Science at Aquinas College. I am looking forward to attending graduate school to continue my journey towards becoming a PA, and I deeply appreciate your support and generosity to help my dreams come true!

Shaylin Rings

It is such an honor to be selected as a scholarship winner for the MiGCSA. Every year, superintendents around the state attend golf events to help raise money for this opportunity. Their efforts support my career and lifelong journey. Once again, thank so much to the committee and the membership

Elliott Hammon


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