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Turf Education Survey - March 2024

Dr. Trey Rogers | Published on 3/25/2024
Greetings from the Land of Green and White.

I hope and trust all is well. We had a short winter, a wonderful IAT graduation this past Sunday, and have sent 29 students out on internship.

The following article below outlines our efforts to plan for the future of our turf educational offerings, specifically the BS program. Please help us if you have time and provide your feedback.

At the bottom of the page we will continue our offering for you to join the Alumni Network Map.

Keep looking for lost souls.

Trey Rogers
Turfgrass Education Survey for BS Program

Our Bachelor of Sciences degree in Crop and Soil Sciences has three concentrations with one of them being Turfgrass Management. The department is in the process of eliminating concentrations and creating three separate degrees (majors): crops, soils, and turf. The turf team is deciding what courses should be included in ours, and you taking the survey linked below will help us.

Before you begin, please look over the attached document that shows course titles, credits, and descriptions. Course titles in the survey are abbreviated in case you want use your smartphone. Courses essential to the major are not included in the survey. According to students who have been testing trial versions, the survey will take only five to ten minutes to complete.
Take the Turf Education Survey
MSU Turfgrass Alumni Network Survey and Map

The information gathered from this survey will be used to update the existing MSU Turfgrass alumni database and may be used to develop the 'MSU Turfgrass Alumni Network Map'. This public interactive online map was created to showcase the global impact of MSU Turfgrass alumni and facilitate connections among current students, alumni and the general public. Many thanks to Jackie Guevara and Dr. Becky Bowling, University of Tennessee, for her guidance and help on this.
Once you have completed the signup, your location will appear on the map.


(616) 834-0450